Friday, December 5, 2014

Yoga and Enlightenment

     So today I ended  up staying home sick from work. I suppose that I've been going too hard, too fast and not allowing myself time to decompress from stress. Anyway, while I was home, half way comatose on the couch, I was watching Netflix and came across a documentary called, Yoga Is.
     I had been interested in the practice of yoga for a long while now and up to this point, I had always viewed it as more of an exercise than a spiritual practice. However this documentary just made so much sense. I mean how could grounding your body through the practice of yoga not lead to some sort of spiritual connection with the earth, with God? Paradigm Shift!
     A few Christmases ago, I remember that I had asked for and received a new yoga mat, a set of yoga blocks, and a strap for helping me in the practice of yoga. On my own, I went out and purchased a sling for carrying my mat and yoga pants and a book that i never really sat down and read. But as I was watching this documentary they were interviewing a guy that looked vaguely familiar and I couldn't figure out where I had seen him. Then it dawned on me that that book I had purchased was written by him, Baron Baptiste. The title of the book if you want to know is 40 Days to a Personal Revolution: A Breakthrough Program to Radically Change Your Body and Awaken the Sacred Within Your Soul. So needless to say I will be going back and reading that book
     I have been feeling recently that my life has been careening out of control, that the path I am on, is not where I am supposed to be. I'm sure that I am not the only person out there that has these feelings. I can't be. Isn't the human condition great? Oi So in an effort to figure out what path I am supposed to be walking, I am going to start really looking at yoga as more than just exercise. I want that deeper connection, the spiritual side of it all.
      Now I feel like I'm turning into a crazy health obsessed hippie... O well there are worse things I suppose. Like being over weight, plagued with chronic health problems, and being perpetually depressed and unhappy. I'm so tired of being sick and tired, that I need to make these changes for me.
I guess this journey that I am taking is really just getting started. I thought before that if I just lost some weight that it would be enough. I am quickly discovering that health and happiness is going to take a lot more than simply losing a bit of excess belly fat to achieve. Dedication, hard work, and balance. Do you yoga? Where is a good place to start? How does it make you feel? What would you tell someone who is just starting out?

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